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Thursday, 31 July 2014

In Praise of Nobility (Day Twenty-Four)

That treasure of a precious pearl Fatimatu Zahra
Shall I to you tell about a woman gracious?
One who was loved by a father so dear
One whom her father loved and in detail
She cried! She wailed! She wept!
Her world was suddenly empty
The noble one out of it goes
Did the world not with her cry?
Did the world not with her wail?
Did the world not with her weep?
Did our world not suddenly empty too become?
For a man great and I mean great out of it went
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
That precious honourable daughter had felt pain
A poet she had suddenly become
She said with words that which her heart felt
The noble one had honoured the afterlife
Has he not to it gone?
Yet that honour to her a calamity had brought
Had this calamity unto darkness befallen
Even so the darkness will have to change colour
Such was her who her father’s status knew
He was a father, one like no other
Had he not stood so she could sit?
Had she not with his grace walked and talked?
Had Aysh to that not bore witness?
Was she not the half of him?
A man noble, lovely, beloved, loved
A man, one like no other
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
That lovely companion in pain sought blindness
The darkness of the eyeballs to him was better
Rasuul his eyes could see no more
Yet in his heart he kept him
Did you not hear how Umar had reacted?
The walking taqwa could not endure this loss
The weight of that death was unbearable
So he had said things and done things
His mind unprepared for the news of that kind
The noble, cherished, precious one was finally gone
He was a man, one like no other
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
This is the nobility about which I sing
This is the nobility I live to praise
This is the nobility whose love drunken me
This is the nobility I wish to see
This is the nobility I pray to touch
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
RMRS (July, 2014, Ramadaan Twenty-Four)

A poem each day of Ramadaan in praise of the Rasuulul Laah suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam entitled: IN PRAISE OF NOBILITY

In Praise of Nobility (Eighteen)

Show me the humanitarians
Narrate to me their story
Let me hear their motivation
And let me tell them of a man
A man, one like no other
A man, a humanitarian by all standards
He loved and truly too
To him the poor came
With him the rich sat
The orphans in him found consolation
He was a mother to the motherless
He was a father to the fatherless
He was a brother and extraordinary too
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
Had great women not their children driven away?
To the rasuul of Allah they had to go
In that mothers found serenity
And who is the mother who will not this love?
That her child a companion like him had?
Show me that one if there ever was
Show me that one if there ever is
Show me that one if there ever would be
And let me show you one needing knowledge
Call to me the women of the world
Call to me the mothers of the world
Where are their sons?
Where are their daughters?
About the praised one they must learn
He was a man, amazingly awesome
He was a man, gentle, humble, soothing
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
Lucky is the child who about him is told
Lucky is the child who grows in his love
Lucky is the child who his Lord worships
Lucky is the child who his path treks
And then what about you?
Would you not about him learn?
Would you not about him listen?
Would you not this best soul love?
Would you not Allah worship and solely?
Would you not his path trek?
He was noble, gracious, adorable, dear
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
This is the nobility about which I sing
This is the nobility I live to praise
This is the nobility whose love drunken me
This is the nobility I wish to see
This is the nobility I pray to touch
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
RMRS (July, 2014, Ramadaan Eighteen)

A poem each day of Ramadaan in praise of the Rasuulul Laah suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam entitled: IN PRAISE OF NOBILITY

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

In Praise of Nobility (Day Seventeen)

So that man had been exhilarated
His hand the praised one had held
I swear by Allah, I truly love you
Words from the noble mouth came
If wishes were words, if they were words
These words would have been mine
Again from the lips of the blessed mouth
Such was he, full of love
Such was he, a teacher of love
Such was he, a man loved to the brim
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
Who are they better than the Prophets, the martyrs?
Yet will they not the lovers admire?
The lovers who in them run different blood
The lovers who in trade go separate ways
Yet in the love of al-Wadud they melt
In His love, they stand on the same plane
Their light, one like no other
Their shade, the shade of ar-Rahmaan
And when the man the journey had taken
To a brother he had gone
No benefits but love fiisabilillaah
Then came the message from his Lord
So does al-Khabeer love you
Such was the teachings of a man, lovely
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
And that man for whom it was said again and again
That is a man of Jannah!
The praised one had said, the companion believed
Yet he was a man not extraordinary in worship
Yet the beauty of his heart this shine brought
He would not evil wish a brother
He would not a grudge hold against another
He slept, his heart full of love, no hatred
Such was the teaching of a man, blessed
Such were the companions of a man, bright
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
Shall we not for this light strive?
Shall we not for this shade long?
Would you then love me but true?
Would you then love me but for His sake?
Would you then love me a different blood?
Would we then our hearts purify?
Would we then this grudge kill?
For that light, that shade, that love
Such was the teaching of a man, adored
Such was a man, the best model
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
This is the nobility about which I sing
This is the nobility I live to praise
This is the nobility whose love drunken me
This is the nobility I wish to see
This is the nobility I pray to touch
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
RMRS (July, 2014, Ramadaan Seventeen)

A poem each day of Ramadaan in praise of the Rasuulul Laah suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam entitled: IN PRAISE OF NOBILITY

Monday, 14 July 2014

In Praise of Nobility (Day Sixteen)

When an old woman her love sings
Reciting these beautiful lines of poetry
Lines that make the ‘Ameer cry
Lines that hoped for a union with the beloved
The beloved of Allah, the beloved of an old woman
He was a man, one like no other
He was a man, dearest to all after Allah
He was a man, sweet like honey
He was a man, the best of examples
A man, noble, humble, an epitome of modesty
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
Shall I tell you about the child?
One who his elders will not allow a drink first
For it was one from the hands of the noble one
Have you heard of that man?
One who the praised one’s cloak requested
That new cloak that was a gift
But to him the blessed one had given it
Of course, such was him, ever giving
How could he? The companions had lamented
Yet how could they ever understand?
He only yearned from the blessed body a shroud
A shroud for his dead body when it came
They loved him! They did! They really did!
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
Shall I tell you about that blind man?
The one whom his blindness prayed for
The noble soul was finally gone
No one, nothing, did he ever wish to see again
How could they live without seeing this beauty?
All they had loved was the sight of this nobility
All they had loved was the touch of this nobility
All they had loved was the company of this nobility
Sorrow then had engulfed them
The noble soul was finally gone
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
Shall I tell you about yet another man?
The possessor of that melodious voice
That voice that had rang the success call
Hayyaa ‘alal sualaat! Hayyaa ‘alal falah!
But this voice had gone shut
Never to sound again except in tears
How could he, Bilal radiyal Laahu anhu?
How could he possibly make that call again?
Where was his beloved whom he loved to see?
The noble soul was finally gone
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
This is the nobility about which I sing
This is the nobility I live to praise
This is the nobility whose love drunken me
This is the nobility I wish to see
This is the nobility I pray to touch
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
RMRS (July, 2014, Ramadaan Sixteen)

A poem each day of Ramadaan in praise of the Rasuulul Laah suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam entitled: IN PRAISE OF NOBILITY