Show me the humanitarians
Narrate to me their story
Let me hear their
And let me tell them of a
A man, one like no other
A man, a humanitarian by
all standards
He loved and truly too
To him the poor came
With him the rich sat
The orphans in him found
He was a mother to the
He was a father to the
He was a brother and
extraordinary too
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
Had great women not their
children driven away?
To the rasuul of Allah
they had to go
In that mothers found
And who is the mother who
will not this love?
That her child a companion
like him had?
Show me that one if there
ever was
Show me that one if there
ever is
Show me that one if there
ever would be
And let me show you one
needing knowledge
Call to me the women of
the world
Call to me the mothers of
the world
Where are their sons?
Where are their daughters?
About the praised one they
must learn
He was a man, amazingly
He was a man, gentle,
humble, soothing
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
Lucky is the child who
about him is told
Lucky is the child who
grows in his love
Lucky is the child who his
Lord worships
Lucky is the child who his
path treks
And then what about you?
Would you not about him
Would you not about him
Would you not this best
soul love?
Would you not Allah
worship and solely?
Would you not his path
He was noble, gracious,
adorable, dear
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
This is the nobility about
which I sing
This is the nobility I
live to praise
This is the nobility whose
love drunken me
This is the nobility I
wish to see
This is the nobility I
pray to touch
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
RMRS (July, 2014, Ramadaan
A poem each day of
Ramadaan in praise of the Rasuulul Laah suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam
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