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Wednesday, 9 July 2014

In Praise of Nobility (Eleven)

Is he sane him who the Qur’an hate?
Must he this noble book burn?
Shame on him whom with his pen draws
A man, praised, noble, blessed
Shut your mouth you yeller of insults
Nay! You do not know this man whom you slander
Abraha and his troupe still stand a lesson
Had they not perished even in the year of his birth?
It was to him that this beauty was sent
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
Should I tell to your ears what this beauty is?
The most reliable handle to hold
The teacher of guidance onto the right path
The divine decree of life’s purpose
The spiritual banquet for the slave
It was to him that this beauty was revealed
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
Should I tell to your eyes what this beauty is?
The opener of the door of reflection
This beauty that Osman Nuri Topbas describes
Show me the adherents of this beauty
Show me men and women of dignity and honour
It is the music to which the wise soul sings
The rhythm to which the ponderer dances
It was to him that this beauty was unwrapped
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
Should I tell to your heart what this beauty is?
This beauty was the Qur’an
It is the word that grips the strong with fear
Fear of a day when there shall be no questions but answers
It is the sound that fills weak minds with hope
Hope of a day when His Mercy in abundance will fall
If this is not beauty, what is?
It was to him that this beauty was unravelled
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
And Aysh, she was asked
What is the life of this noble one?
The Qur’an! The Qur’an! The Qur’an
The life of this blessed one is this beauty
In love he had lived with this beauty
In love he had died in this beauty
In love he had left with his sahaaba this beauty
And in love they lived and died in this beauty
It was to him that this beauty was given
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain
Read this man, read this beauty
Learn this man, learn this beauty
Walk this man, talk this man
Walk this beauty, talk this beauty
He was this man, he was this beauty
It was to him that this Qur’an was disclosed
Salaam and Rahm upon him should rain
This is the nobility about which I sing
This is the nobility I live to praise
This is the nobility whose love drunken me
This is the nobility I wish to see
This is the nobility I pray to touch
Salaam and Rahma upon him should rain

RMRS (July, 2014, Ramadaan Eleven)

A poem each day of Ramadaan in praise of the Rasuulul Laah suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam entitled: IN PRAISE OF NOBILITY

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