were the hands of Taif that had held the stones
stones that were hailed at him
when to the path bright and true he had called
the deepest darkness overcame their minds
the Makkans they had said no and harshly
the nobility of the noblest of the nobles
in peace they did not let him leave
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
Blessed be the tree and
the slave who had come to his solace
While in pain the noble
one sat alone with his Lord
The Lord he seeks to show
Then to him the Archangel
Jibril had come
How dare humans inflict
pain on this soul
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
Here was the Angel of the
Mountains ready to obey
Whatever order the Praised
One cared to give
Shall I crush these
mountains on they who were blind?
How could he when his
heart was full of love
For a people who could not
see the Truth
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
No! No! No! His heart was
made of pearls
He did not wish an eye for
an eye
The light that had shone
and shines this life
Far beyond he looked out
to the unborn
Filled with hope that to
his Lord they will turn
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
This is the nobility about
which I sing
This is the nobility I
live to praise
This is the nobility whose
love drunken me
This is the nobility I
wish to see
This is the nobility I
pray to touch
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
RMRS (June, 2014, Ramadaan One)
A poem each day of Ramadaan
in praise of the Rasuulul Laah suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam entitled: IN
Ameen, Salaam and Rahma upon his soul