In the era of ignorance, a
young man lived
No to those carved from
No to that moulded of clay
How could he possibly to
them bow?
They to him could never be
of help
A life of sorrow he had
Whiles in the tommy his
father had gone
At six mummy had followed
Soon lovely grandpa was taken
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
The protecting hands of
Abi Talib upon him had been laid
And so it was for years to
Then came Khadija radiyal
Laahu anhaa
A woman of splendour, a
woman of honour
Her heart was touched, her
love rewarded
And which woman is it
whose heart he will not touch?
Which woman is it who will
not seek the reward of this love?
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
To the serenity of the
cave he had retired
These strong mountains
came from somewhere
The trees, the sun, the
moon must be somebody’s
Never al-Lat nor al-Uzza
nor al-Manat
His heart and mind were
In them the seed of our
deen were sown
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
To him the Angel Jibril
had come
Read, the beginning of
that which was yet to come
The noble woman in him had
If you said so then so it
That was that awesome man
Abu Bakr radiyal Laahu anhu
The extremely blessed
children had come along
Then the best of women,
then the best of men
Great men and women who
walked this earth
In him they believed and
about that they confessed
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
The numbers had multiplied
Love had been established
Torture to them were meted
They had been admiringly
The journeys had been traveled
The wars had been waged
But victory to him had
finally come
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
That is the man about whom
I write
That is the man in whose footsteps
we must step
That is the man from whom
so many had learnt
He is a man about whom you
must read
He was a man whose love
people yearn
He is a man whose face so
many seek
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
This is the nobility about
which I sing
This is the nobility I
live to praise
This is the nobility whose
love drunken me
This is the nobility I
wish to see
This is the nobility I
pray to touch
Salaam and Rahma upon him
should rain
RMRS (July, 2014, Ramadaan
A poem each day of
Ramadaan in praise of the Rasuulul Laah suallal Laahu alayhi wa sallam
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